Mobile Payments Today is a premier news and information site dedicated exclusively to the fast-growing mobile payments market.

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Mobile Payments Today focuses on the application of mobile payments technology to industries such as banking, retail, restaurant, remittance, apps, online gaming and mobile POS. Its content helps organizations realize the cost savings and operational benefits promised by mobile payments. The site also provides blogs, news, videos, white papers, webinars, supplier listings, research, product reviews, and event info.


Mobile Payments Today reaches a global audience of retailers, restaurateurs and other end-users who want to enjoy the soft and hard ROI of deploying mobile payment applications. In addition, executives and engineers on the development side of the hardware and software tools.

Monthly engagement includes…

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Industry Professionals
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Monthly Page Views
Senior Level Decision Makers
VP-Level & Up
Directors & Managers


Financial Institutions

  • Bank of America
  • Barclays
  • BNP Paribas
  • Citigroup
  • Deutsche Bank
  • HSBC
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Wells Fargo


  • Ahold
  • Carrefour
  • Domino’s Pizza
  • McDonalds
  • Target
  • Tesco
  • Walgreens
  • Woolworths

Mobile Network Operators

  • Airtel
  • Bell
  • China Unicom
  • Orange
  • Telefonica
  • Verizon
  • Vodafone

App Developers

  • AppCard
  • Appconomy
  • Bottle Rocket
  • DabApps
  • Lime Apps
  • Pocket App

Game Developers

  • Astra
  • Big Fish Games
  • EA Games
  • GoodGame Studios
  • Zynga


  • Payment Processors
  • Card Networks
  • Acquirers
  • POS Providers
  • Device Manufacturers


Editorial Mission

Be the premier information resource for executives and influencers in the mobile market.

Content Focus delivers information and insights that help organizations realize cost savings and operational benefits from mobile payments. Coverage includes technology implementation plus reporting on how to drive revenue through mobile marketing. We concentrate on helping the following types of organizations to implement and excel at using mobile payments technology:

• Retailers
• Restaurants
• Financial institutions
• Mobile app developers
• Online game developers
• Government agencies

Editorial Calendar

To view the Editorial Calendar, please download the media kit.

Site Editor: David Jones

David Jones is a veteran business and technology journalist, with three decades of experience writing about business travel, real estate and technology. Since 2015 he covered a range of technology stories for the ECT News Network, which includes the E-Commerce Times, TechNewsWorld, LinuxInsider and CRM Buyer, writing about cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, open source computing and privacy issues among others. He recently covered FinTech issues for He was previously awarded the George Washington Williams Fellowship for Journalists of Color by the Independent Press Association.

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